Designer Vaginas


Uterine prolapse, urinary stress incontinence, pelvic floor injuries, internal and external genitalia injuries due to pregnancy and vaginal delivery are the leading reasons for rise in vaginal rejuvenation surgeries.

In the last decade, vaginal reconstruction and rejuvenation procedures are becoming very popular. From inside the vagina to outside the vagina, the procedures covers  everything that can change the appearance and anatomy of the vagina and labia so they look and feel better.   Many women decide to undergo these procedures to improve their self esteem and confidence in and outside the bedroom.

We can’t deny the role self esteem and confidence play in our overall well being. In the foreword section of the book Vagina Reborn: Reclaiming The Goddess, A Modern Woman’s Guide To Vaginal Rejuvenation By Dr. Lina Triana, Dr Renato Saltz stated that patients who undergo vaginal rejuvenation surgery had an improvement in their self-esteem. Their new and improved  vagina also increased their performance in their professional and personal life.

Vagina and Pelvic Floor Trauma


Many women and men have a misconception about the cause of  vagina looseness.  Both men and women hold the belief that a loose vagina is a result of too much sexual intercourse.  Unfortunately, this myth still prevails. Not knowing the real reason prevents women from preparing and preventing issues related to pelvic floor, stress,  gravity and ageing.

The two most common reason for looseness of the vagina are childbirth and aging.

As women transition into menopause, low levels of estrogen in the vagina’s connective tissue result in slackness.

The reality is, in more ways than one, a woman’s bedroom problem can be caused by having children.

But unfortunately, a lot of women are not prepared for post partum sexual intercourse challenges  that occurs due to vagina and pelvic floor trauma.

After giving birth, some women struggle with enjoying sex. One reason is because childbirth resulted in some impairment in the integrity of their pelvic floor muscles and vagina. 

Post baby, their vagina don’t feel as tight as they did before and sex is not enjoyable like it once was.

Many woman suffer from decrease sensation in their vagina due to the looseness that occurs during vaginal delivery.  According to Dobbeleier et al 76% many women complain of  low sensitivity in their vagina. They think it’s possible due to the extreme stretch that the  vagina undergoes during vaginal delivery. Imagine the intensity of the stretching and tearing that occurs with multiple deliveries.

Although, pregnancy in general places tremendous pressure on the pelvic floor and can also result in vaginal laxity, the damage is not as severe with C Section.

This is a sensitive topic that most woman will not discuss with anyone especially their partners. Most man wouldn’t dear utter to their significant other that their vagina is not the same post baby. However, if you have been with the same person they most likely can tell the difference but will not complain because the are just happy that they are getting some.

Sex is should be pleasurable for everyone participating, but unfortunately the lasting damage that occurs after giving birth can make it not so pleasurable for females.  In fact, some women find little or no pleasure and lose interest leading to intimacy issues with their partners.

Many women want to improve their intimacy and esteem and therefore  opt in for vaginal rejuvenation.


In essence, it includes restoring the supporting  structures inside and outside of the vagina. Surgical procedures addressing specific parts of the female genitalia includes labiaplasty, clitoraplasty and vaginoplasty. These surgeries are usually done for cosmetic reasons and not for medical ones. Therefore, its unlikely that your insurance will cover the cost.

There are a variety of reasons why women opt for vaginal rejuvenation or restoration. The most common one, however, is for appearance and improve sexual satisfaction . The desire to improve self-confidence in the bedroom is usually a huge factor for the decision.


Although there has been an increase in the rate of these surgeries, long term consequences are unknown.

Plumped Lips and Thick Hood


Although not considered detrimental to your health, an enlarge clitoris , fat mons pubis or enlarge labia minora can interfere with activities like riding a bike and even running. The friction and shafing can be very painful.

The volume and plumpness of the labia majora can decrease with weight loss and aging. Or some women are self conscious about their labia minora being longer than and visible beyond their labia majora.

Unlike the definition of the characteristics of sexy lips, there is no such definition for pretty or sexy labias.

Even with societies standard of beauty, beauty is still in the eyes on the beholder. What is appealing and attractive to one person might not be the same for another person. This also holds true for the female external genitalia.

For instance, the winged butterfly appearance of the labia minora is appealing in Japan while the western world prefers not have hanging labia of any sorts.

In some parts of Africa a ritual known as Kudenga is started from a young age on females. In this procedure the is labia is stretched . The goal is to get a protruding inner labia which is said to improve intimacy (Dobbeleir, 2011).

Who Is Vaginal Restoration and Rejuvenation For?


Primarily, women who have issues with the size and shape of their vulvas and vaginas are the ideal candidate for the procedure.  If you feel that your vagina is loose or you are experiencing any of the below symptoms then vaginal Rejuvenation might be for you.

Using a combination of laser and incisions Internal and external genitalia surgery can sometimes can be performed together. using

Non-Surgical Vaginal Rejuvenation


You don’t have to go under the knife if you don’t want to. Here are non surgical ways to restore, rejuvenate and a reignite the power of your vagina.

Vaginal fillers


Vaginal fillers are somewhat similar to the fillers used for the face. They are injections that are used to boost the volume of the labia majora or the vaginal lips. They can contain either a fat filler or hyaluronic acid.

After injection, the labia should feel firmer and fuller. Its elasticity should be restored and it should feel more toned. In most cases, it’s able to bring back the “feeling” or “sensation” during sexual intercourse.

Prior to the procedure, a numbing cream or local anesthetic is applied to the target areas to minimize any pain. It should take about 15 minutes to complete if hyaluronic acid fillers are used. For fat fillers, however, the procedure can last up to 30 to 45 minutes.

Internal Laser Vaginoplasty


Laser or radiofrequency devices are used inside the wall of the vagina. The laser causes micro-tears deep in the tissue of the vagina wall. The healing process regenerates collagen therefore leading to a firmer vagina.



Silicone threads placed under vaginal mucosa are considered to be the most recent treatments for vaginal rejuvenation.  These PDO threads or polydioxanone threads can lift and tighten the intimate region, similar to how it’s able to lift the tissues in the facial region.

Laser Labiaplasty


Laser labiaplasty is a great procedure for women who are feeling too conscious about having large or asymmetrical labia.  If your labia minora (inner lips)  is too long and interferes with your sex life or is uncomfortable when you sit, walk or even run the a labiaplasty might be an option.  This procedure is generally done on an out-patient basis. Contrary to what most women worry about, it doesn’t affect the clitoris or even the urethra. If your long labia minora does not bother you then there is no need to worry about it.

The procedure involves cutting a triangular-shaped wedge along the labia, allowing women to retain not just the natural shape of their genitalia but its normal sensation as well.

Doing the procedure with laser allows for a faster recovery with minimal bruising, swelling and pain. Although complications can happen, such as infection and inflammation, strictly adhering to the pre-and post-op instructions such as no sex and tampons for 8 weeks can help avoid them.

PRP (O-Shot)


Platelet Rich Plasma or PRP therapy is regarded as a natural vaginal rejuvenation method because it utilizes women’s own growth factors from their blood. Apart from improving the appearance of the genitalia, it also improves sex life, treats urinary incontinence, and manages vaginal dryness.

Surgical Vaginoplasty


These procedures are more invasive and are necessary to treat severe cases of prolapse.

Vaginoplasty is the surgical procedure for tightening the vagina or creating a new vagina. It’s often performed on female babies born without the organ and those who’ve undegone vaginectomy to treat vaginal cancer. This procedure can also be performed on transgender male to female as part of a gender reassignment surgery.

In general, there are 5 major types of vaginoplasty.

Sigmoid Vaginoplasty– It involves the use of a part of the sigmoid colon to create the new vagina. It is typically performed as a laparoscopic surgery where small incisions are made through the skin. The colon segment offers several advantages when used for this procedure. Apart from that it aids in mucus production, it’s also stretchy.

Peritoneal Vaginoplasty– Also known as Luohu operation, this procedure involves the use of the peritoneum or the lining of the abdominal cavity. It’s also done laparoscopically.

Buccal Mucosa Vaginoplasty– This procedure takes a part of the buccal mucosa and uses is it in making vaginas. Since the tissues are both hairless and able to produce mucus, they are considered ideal for the procedure. It usually requires facial surgeons to collaborate with the procedure.

McIndoe Vaginoplasty– With this technique, the vagina is lined with a skin graft which is placed on a vaginal mold. After that, it’s placed into the area which has been cut open to look and work as the new vagina. The mold promotes healing of the organ into an open cavity or space which can be used for intercourse.

Penile Inversion Vaginoplasty– This particular procedure is done on transgender women. The skin surrounding the penis is taken out to act as the lining of the vagina. The penis’ head, on the other hand, is reshaped and turned into a clitoris. The labia majora and minora, meanwhile, is created using the scrotal skin.



Labiaplasty is an effective solution for women who are suffering from hanging labia minora or woman who are not happy with the appearance of their labia. This too is another procedure that is performed as part of the gender reassignment surgery form a male to a female.

For women, In this procedure, the extra tissue of the labia is cut off under local anesthesia or a combination of local anesthetics and IV sedation. This is carried out with great care to retain the natural appearance of the organ.

During the gender reassignment surgery the male’s scrotum is used to create the new labia.



Aging and delivering a child can cause the clitoral hood to become loose in some women. This results in an inhibited response of the clitoris during sexual activity. Clitoroplasty enables the full exposure of the clitoris to allow women to experience maximum stimulation.

Reduction of the Mons Pubis


Gaining weight and aging can cause mons pubis to enlarge. And as a result, it makes accessing sensitive areas a bit harder. It also makes wearing tight clothing awkward. By removing the extra skin and fat, one may experience a more aesthetically pleasing intimate area.

When to Resume Normal Activities After Undergoing Surgical Vaginal Rejuvenation


Women who undergo surgical vaginal rejuvenation heal at different rates. The following, however, are general guidelines:

  • Intimate activities may be resumed within 6 to 8 weeks after the procedure.
  • Patients may return to work after a day or two of the surgery.
  • For exercises, it’s best to wait for wo to four weeks.
  • Obvious signs of the surgery should be gone in approximately 3 weeks.
  •  Patients can return to driving whenever comfortable.

How Long Will The Results Last?


It all depends on the procedure and how you take care of your new vagina. In general, the effects of surgical vaginal rejuvenation can last for about 5 to 10 years. However, factors such as aging, lifestyle, childbearing, and gravity can negatively affect the results.  Laser procedures tend to last about a year.

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This one of the many  areas where you will find that doctors don’t agree on.  Your Gynecologist will most likely discourage you from undergoing any of these surgeries. Yet he or she don’t have a better solution.

On the hand a board certified plastic surgeon who specializes in these intimate surgery understands how not being satisfied with how your vagina looks and feels affects your self esteem and over all well being.

Pelvic floor exercises can help only to certain degree. Unfortunately, the more babies you have the more severe it will be. Then as you get older, the natural changes that occurs in and outside your vagina will worsen the problems.

If you have urinary stress incontinence it will only get worse. Your sex life and relationship suffer.

Therefore, ignoring the problem should not be an option. If you are dissatisfied with the way your vagina looks and feel and it is affecting you negatively, then you should first talk to your gynecologists.

However, your gynecologist probably won’t have a solution. Your next step will be to find a qualified plastic surgeon that specializes in vagina rejuvenation.

To find a plastic surgeon that is qualified to perform these procedures you can search The American Board Of Plastic Surgery either by location or by doctor’s name. It’s best find a doctor that specializes in this field. These doctors took the extra training needed to become proficient at performing these types of procedures.

If you live outside the US you can fund plastic surgeons


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