The low estrogen that leads to menopause comes with a long list of uncomfortable symptoms. From hot flushes, mood swings to vaginal dryness and low libido, this stage can be tough for any woman.

Due to low estrogen, your vulva and vagina can shrink, sag and also become loose. You can also have issues with your urinate structure.

Symptoms of leaking urine during sex, with coughing laughing or sneezing are all signs of a weak Vagina tissues and supporting structures.

Besides menopause, childbirth can significantly affect the integrity of your vagina tissue. Most women start to feel the effects of childbirth and low estrogen in their 50s.

For some women the changes can significantly
affect their lives. Unfortunately, unless these symptoms are addressed they only get worse with time.

In an effort to address these  needs new treatment are being introduced.

While some of them are proven effective, there are therapies and remedies that remain questionable.

One of those treatments involves the use of laser. Some women swear by it while experts have a very different opinion about it.

To help you get a clearer idea of what it does and how it can potentially help you, here’s what you need to know about laser vaginoplasty and vaginal rejuvenation.

CO2 Laser Vaginoplasty


For the past years, this treatment has been extensively used in dermatology and plastic surgery to tighten, lift and firm saggy skin. It’s considered effective in remodeling the tissues around the neck and face.

Now it is also used inside the vagina.

During treatment, the heat creates thermal micro millimeter tissue damage and this causes the damage of the targeted tissues. Since there’s damage, the process of wound healing is triggered and that’s where the benefits of the therapy start.

The vagina tissue becomes thicker, toned, hydrated and more elastic. Your pH balance will be restored to its acidic protective state.

CO2 lasers can be classified as fractional lasers where the thermal energy created is delivered in fractional patterns. This is critical in keeping the surrounding tissues healthy and in triggering faster collagen production and epithelial repair.

It also triggers elastin fiber formation which is responsible for making tissues firmer and vaginas tighter.

The entire procedure generally takes about 5 to 20 minutes. Some women complain of slight pressure during the procedure.

2-3 sessions may be required at an interval of 4 to 6 weeks. In general, the results can last to a full year.

Apart from CO2 lasers, there are other types of ablative laser being used. Some of them are considered effective in treating vaginal atrophy, boosting sexual function, and relieving the symptoms that come with menopause.

The Recovery Period

Following treatment, mild swelling and redness can be seen. How this usually resolves in a few days. You should be able to get back to your usual routine within 1 to 3 days.

As for sexual activities, try to avoid them in the first 3 to 4 days after the therapy. This is to allow the area to fully heal and recover first.

Is It Safe?

Although the idea of using lasers sound a bit less scary than using scalpels, laser vaginoplasty and rejuvenation is not a procedure that’s completely free from risks.

The Food and Drug Administration does approve CO2 láser for vaginal rejuvenation.

One good reason is the lack of evidence to prove its effectiveness. Even its safety hasn’t been completely established

For the agency, the use of energy-based devices can only cause vaginal burns and scarring. It can also cause chronic pain, particularly during intercourse.

Energy-based devices are more useful for medical purposes. Currently, they are utilized for clearing and destroying genital warts and precancerous vaginal and cervical tissues.

The FDA simply considers laser treatments for vaginal rejuvenation purposes as false marketing campaigns.

If you are still thinking of going through the procedure despite not being approved by the FDA, make sure that you do your research and you’ve weighed the pros and cons of laser vaginoplasty and vaginal rejuvenation.

Apart from that, you should also make sure that you are seeing a skilled and well-trained surgeon. Your doctor should disclose that the procedure hasn’t been approved for the indication. He needs to be transparent in discussing what happens during the procedure and what the expectations and outcomes are.

 Better And Safer Alternatives

Because there’s no solid evidence that can prove the effectiveness of laser therapy in addressing problems in your vagina, you may want to look at other remedies.

For example, you can use lubricants to ease vaginal dryness and help with smoother penetration. You can also do Kegel exercises to keep your vaginal tone and avoid incontinence.

If you’re too conscious about the appearance of your vulva, then consider surgical vaginoplasty and labiaplasty. Although these procedures are more invasive, they have been proven safe for their indications.

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