Can Women Get Erections? 20 Interesting Facts About The Vagina

You’ve probably read some absurd myths about the vagina. (If not, then check out our previous blog post). Now it’s time to highlight some interesting facts about the vagina. Studies and surveys suggest that a majority of women don’t know much about their sexual organs.

All men and women should have complete knowledge of their own and each other’s body parts. Here are some facts about the vagina you probably never even heard before:

1. Your vagina isn’t what you think it is

What do you think your vagina is? The outer region with your clitoris and labia? Well, you’re wrong.

Now, don’t feel bad. Many women (and men) think that’s what it is but you’re simply using the wrong word. What you are referring to is your vulva. Your actual vaginal opening is located here.

The vagina is actually the muscular canal located between the cervix and the hymen that the man penetrates with his penis. It is also called the birth canal since this is where the baby passes through to get to the outside world. It about 3″ to 7 inches deep.

2. The clitoris is very similar to the penis

The clitoris has similar characteristics to that of the male penis, such as a frenulum, glans, prepuce (or foreskin). And, despite being smaller than the penis, it has twice as many nerve endings, making it twice as sensitive as the penis.  When you are aroused your clitoris swell and erects just like penis making it very easy to lick.

3. The vagina can change in shape and size

The vagina is approximately 3 to 7 inches long. When aroused, it extends to accommodate the penis. The uterus is pulled upwards, and as the position of the cervix changes, the vagina becomes longer.

Another instance where the vaginal size can change is during labor. The vagina is made from elastic tissue that is stretched whenever the baby is ready to meet you. It becomes looser, softer and more open but will go back to its normal shape and position once it has healed.

4. Many women can’t orgasm from only vaginal penetration

Men, listen loud and clear. In a study conducted on women between the ages of 18 and 94, it was discovered that only 18% of them can reach their climax from vaginal penetration alone, and many agreed that clitoral stimulation was necessary for them to have an orgasm. The is because the wall of the vagina has way less nerves compared to the clitoris. Furthermore, vaginal delivery can damage the nerves in the vagina.

5. Your pubic hair is important

Even though hair removal might be in right now, and even though you might feel like you have to get it waxed every month or else you won’t feel clean or groomed, your pubic hair is not entirely useless.

Pubic hair is there to protect the vaginal tissue and reduces friction when you are doing the deed. Plus, shaving can cause little cuts on the vulva that will make you more susceptible to an infection.

Your pubes can even act as a barrier between your vulva and your underwear, that may cause contact dermatitis and even infections. So leave some on.

6. Not all discharge is normal

While your discharge can look different throughout your cycle, it is important to know what is normal, and what is not.

Normal discharge is can be clear, white or milky, and shouldn’t smell bad. It can also be stretchy during ovulation. After your period, it can become brown for a day or two, but this is just old blood being removed from the vagina.

Anything that has a foul odor, or colors such yellow, green, grey, or burns and causes irritation is abnormal and you should consult your doctor as soon as possible as you may be suffering from an infection. This is not normal.

7. Your vagina cleans itself

Before you go and get that soap which claims it can make your vagina smell like roses, think again.

Your vagina is a self-cleaning organ, meaning it needs no help from you. The vagina is well-fitted with glands which release fluids that are designed to cleanse the vagina. It also has its own army of bacteria that fights against bad bacteria to keep it healthy. However, you still need to practice good hygiene and wash up regularly.

8. Vaginas are pH balanced

Your vagina is an acidic environment with a pH of between 3.8 and 4.5. To put this into context, water has a pH value of 7, or neutral. Semen pH is about 7-8.

This pH balance of your vagina is important, as it helps to prevent bad bacteria from thriving which can lead to an infection.

9. You can do vaginal workouts

Having regular sex can help to keep your vaginal walls healthy, but did you know that there are other workouts you can do to maintain its healthy without having sex?

One such exercise is known as Kegels. This is done by contracting your pelvic muscles, similar to holding in your pee, for a few minutes a day. You could also try vaginal weight lifting which uses a similar technique to Kegels, however here you are lifting and squeezing actual objects with your vagina.

By doing vaginal workouts, you are increasing blood flow to the vagina, strengthening your grip and enhancing sexual arousal. This is recommended especially after childbirth to help tighten the vagina and reduce wrinkles.

10. Women can get their own kind of blue balls (or pink balls)

Here, we will refer to this condition as blue walls, where prolonged sexual arousal can become painful. This is a condition known as vasoconstriction, where blood vessels constrict and tissue swells. Any stimulation can cause pain and discomfort for the woman, a less than pleasant experience.

11. Orgasms can relieve menstrual cramps

Orgasms release ‘feel-good’ chemicals such as dopamine and serotonin into the body. These chemicals play a major role in modulating pain perception and can provide relief from painful menstrual cramps.

12. Vaginas need to rest after childbirth

Doctors advise that women who have given birth should wait at least four to six weeks before having sex to give your vagina sufficient time to heal. And, since it is possible to get pregnant as early as three weeks after giving birth, birth control is recommended.

13. Your vagina is set at an angle

Whenever you try to insert something into your vagina at a 180° angle, it will feel like you are hitting a wall. This is because your vagina is tilted upwards at a 130° angle.

Bear this in mind the next time you try a new sex position, or when you are trying to insert a tampon.

14. Vaginas come in different colors

You may have heard that vaginas come in different shapes and sizes, but did you know that they also come in different colors?

The labia color can range from a light pink to a dark brown and this color deepens as blood rushes to your genitals when you are aroused.

15. Vaginas can tear during childbirth

Vaginal tears or lacerations during childbirth are completely normal and in time, they will heal. This is a natural part of the childbirth process, and many women even experience perineal tears.  While there is no guarantee that this can be prevented, there are many things you can do to ease the process and reduce your chances of tears.

16. There is no ‘pop’ when you lose your virginity

The phrase “popping the cherry” has been around for a long time, but there is no actually popping involved when losing your virginity. What actually happens is that the “covering” of the vaginal entrance is torn or ‘broken’

This covering is called the hymen which is a thin membrane which fully or partially covers a woman’s entrance. The tearing of the hymen is not exclusive to penetration and can be torn during horseback riding, putting in a tampon or something as simple as climbing a tree.

17. Vaginas have their own unique smell

If you heard somewhere that every vagina has its own unique smell, then it is completely right. Every vagina has its own unique smell based on factors such as hygiene, diet, her own bacteria, her sexual partner, and so on.

18. You can’t lose anything in your vagina

Have you ever accidentally broke the string to your tampon and went into a bit of a panic because you thought it might get lost in there?

Well, it can only go so far, and once it hits the cervix, it has nowhere else to go but out. In this case, you will have to visit a doctor to get in removed safely, so fret not, it won’t be stuck forever.

And, most times you can push it out with your vaginal walls.

19. Vaginal discharge increases during pregnancy

Pantyliners save your panties from ruin due to discharge, but during pregnancy, you might need something more heavy-duty to deal with the increase in discharge that comes with it.

20. Having a vagina doesn’t make you a woman (and not having one doesn’t make you a man)

While genitalia has been used for centuries to determine the gender of humans, there are many grey areas that science cannot ignore.

Some babies are born with male genes, yet have a vagina, and others are born with atypical genitalia (or ambiguous genitalia)where the genitals don’t appear to be clearly male or female. Then there comes the topic of transgender women, and what it really means to be a woman.

The vagina is an interesting organ, isn’t it? What did you learn about the vagina today that you didn’t know before?

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